Unit Descriptions for
VCE Studies
Business and Humanities Subjects
Unit 1
This Unit explores the establishment of a business and the role of accounting in the determination of business success or failure. In this, it considers the importance of accounting information to stakeholders. Students analyse, interpret and evaluate the performance of the business using financial and non-financial information. They use these evaluations to make recommendations regarding the suitability of a business as an investment.
Unit 2
In this Unit, students develop their knowledge of the accounting process for sole proprietors operating a trading business, with a focus on inventory, accounts receivable, accounts payable and non-current assets. Students use manual processes and ICT, including spreadsheets, to prepare historical and budgeted accounting reports.
Unit 3
This Unit focuses on financial accounting for a trading business owned by a sole proprietor, and highlights the role of accounting as an information system. Students use the double entry system of recording financial data and prepare reports using the accrual basis of accounting and the perpetual method of inventory recording.
Unit 4
In this Unit, students further develop their understanding of accounting for a trading business owned by a sole proprietor and the role of accounting as an information system. Students use the double entry system of recording financial data and prepare reports using the accrual basis of accounting and the perpetual method of inventory recording. Both manual methods and ICT are used to record and report.
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Business Management
Unit 1
Businesses of all sizes are major contributors to the economic and social wellbeing of a nation. The ability of entrepreneurs to establish a business and the fostering of conditions under which new business ideas can emerge are vital for a nation’s wellbeing. Taking a business idea and planning how to make it a reality are the cornerstones of economic and social development. In this Unit, students explore the factors affecting business ideas and the internal and external environments within which businesses operate, as well as the effect of these on planning a business. They also consider the importance of the business sector to the national economy and social wellbeing.
Unit 2
This Unit focuses on the establishment phase of a business. Establishing a business involves compliance with legal requirements as well as decisions about how best to establish a system of financial record keeping, staff the business and establish a customer base. In this unit students examine the legal requirements that must be met to establish a business. They investigate the essential features of effective marketing and consider the best way to meet the needs of the business in terms of staffing and financial record keeping. Students analyse management practices by applying key knowledge to contemporary business case studies from the past four years.
Unit 3
In this Unit, students explore the key processes and considerations for managing a business efficiently and effectively to achieve business objectives. Students examine different types of businesses and their respective objectives and stakeholders. They investigate strategies to manage both staff and business operations to meet objectives, and develop an understanding of the complexity and challenge of managing businesses. Students compare theoretical perspectives with current practice through the use of contemporary Australian and global business case studies from the past four years.
Unit 4
Businesses are under constant pressure to adapt and change to meet their objectives. In this Unit, students consider the importance of reviewing key performance indicators to determine current performance and the strategic management necessary to position a business for the future. Students study a theoretical model to undertake change and consider a variety of strategies to manage change in the most efficient and effective way to improve business performance. They investigate the importance of effective management and leadership in change management. Using one or more contemporary business case studies from the past four years, students evaluate business practice against theory.
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Unit 1
Economics is a dynamic and constantly evolving field of social science, which looks at the way humans behave and the decisions made to meet the needs and wants of society. In this Unit, students explore their role in the economy, how they interact with businesses, and the role of the government in the economy. Students are introduced to and explore fundamental economic concepts. They examine basic economic models where consumers and businesses engage in mutually beneficial transactions, and investigate the motivations behind both consumer and business behaviour. They examine how individuals might respond to incentives. Students are encouraged to investigate contemporary examples and case studies to enhance their understanding of the introductory economics concepts. Students use demand and supply models to explain changes in prices and quantities traded. Through close examination of one or more markets, they gain insight into the factors that may affect the way resources are allocated in an economy and how market power can affect efficiency and living standards. Students consider the insights of behavioural economics and how those insights contrast with the traditional model of consumer behaviour. They investigate at least one behavioural economics experiment, and analyse how the theories and observations of behavioural economics have been used by government in planning and implementing policy, and by businesses in managing their relationships with consumers.
Unit 2
A core principle of economics is maximising the living standards of society. This is done through economic decisions that optimise the use of resources to produce goods and services that satisfy human needs and wants. Economic activity is therefore a key consideration for economics. Students consider the link between economic activity and economic growth and investigate the importance of economic growth in raising living standards. They evaluate the benefits and costs of continued economic growth and consider the extent to which our current measurements of living standards are adequate. Economics provides useful tools for investigating contemporary issues that inspire debate and wide differences in opinion. Students undertake an applied economic analysis of two contemporary economics issues from a local, national and international perspective. They use the tools of data collection, analysis, synthesis and evaluation to examine the issue through an economics lens. They do this through investigation of the economic factors influencing the issue and via examination of its economic importance at a local, national and international level. Students consider the perspectives of relevant economic agents and evaluate the validity and effectiveness of individual and collective responses to the issue.
Unit 3
The Australian economy is constantly evolving. The main instrument for allocating resources is the market, but government also plays a significant role in resource allocation. In this Unit, students investigate the role of the market in allocating resources and examine the factors that affect the price and quantity traded for a range of goods and services. Students develop an understanding of the key measures of efficiency and how market systems might result in efficient outcomes. Students consider contemporary issues to explain the need for government intervention in markets and why markets might fail to maximise society’s living standards. As part of a balanced examination, students also consider unintended consequences of government intervention in the market. Students develop an understanding of the macro-economy. They investigate the factors that affect the level of aggregate demand and aggregate supply in the economy and apply theories to explain how changes in these variables might affect achievement of domestic macroeconomic goals and living standards. Students assess the extent to which the Australian economy has achieved these macroeconomic goals during the past two years. Australia’s living standards depend, in part, on strong economic relationships with its major trading partners. Students investigate the importance of international economic relationships and the effect of these on Australian living standards. Students analyse how international transactions are recorded, and examine how economic factors might affect the value of the exchange rate, the terms of trade and Australia’s international competitiveness. Students also analyse how changes in the value of the exchange rate, the terms of trade and international competitiveness affect the domestic macroeconomic goals.
Unit 4
The ability of the Australian economy to achieve its domestic macroeconomic goals has a significant effect on living standards in Australia. Policymakers, including the Australian Government and the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA), can utilise a wide range of policy instruments to affect these goals and to affect living standards. This Unit focuses on the role of aggregate demand policies in stabilising the business cycle to achieve the domestic macroeconomic goals. Students develop an understanding of how the Australian Government can alter the composition of budgetary outlays and receipts to directly and indirectly affect the level of aggregate demand, the achievement of domestic macroeconomic goals and living standards. Students also examine the role of the RBA with a focus on its responsibility to conduct monetary policy. Students consider how the tools of monetary policy can affect interest rates, the transmission mechanism of monetary policy to the economy and how this contributes towards the achievement of the domestic macroeconomic goals and living standards. Students consider and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the aggregate demand policies in achieving the domestic macroeconomic goals and living standards. Expanding the productive capacity of the economy and improving Australia’s international competitiveness is critical to ensuring that economic growth, low inflation and employment opportunities can be maintained both now and into the future. Students consider how the Australian Government utilises selected aggregate supply policies to pursue the achievement of the domestic macroeconomic goals and living standards over the long term.
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Unit 1
This Unit investigates how people have responded to specific types of hazards and disasters. Hazards represent the potential to cause harm to people and or the environment, whereas disasters are defined as serious disruptions of the functionality of a community at any scale, involving human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts. Hazards include a wide range of situations including those within local areas, such as fast-moving traffic or the likelihood of coastal erosion, to regional and global hazards such as drought and infectious disease. Students undertake an overview of hazards before investigating two contrasting types of hazards and the responses to them. Students examine the processes involved with hazards and hazard events, considering their causes and impacts, human responses to hazard events and the interconnections between human activities and natural phenomena, including the impact of climate change.
Types of hazards are commonly classified by their causes:
Geological (or geophysical) hazards include volcanic activity, erosion, earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides and avalanches.
Hydro-meteorological (weather, climate, water) hazards include droughts, floods, storms, storm surges and bushfires.
Biological hazards include infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS and malaria, animal transmitted diseases, water borne diseases and plant and animal invasion such as blackberries and cane toads in Australia.
Technological hazards are human induced and exacerbated hazards including oil spills, air pollution, radiation leaks, flooding primarily caused by land clearances, epidemics caused by poor living conditions and hazards caused by current climate change such as rising sea levels or increased intensification of weather events.
There may be considerable interconnection between the causes and types of hazards. For example, a region may be at risk from a number of hazards: high seasonal rainfall may result in a primary flood hazard which may in turn generate a secondary hazard of landslides. Students undertake fieldwork and produce a fieldwork report using the structure provided.
Unit 2
In this Unit, students investigate the characteristics of tourism: where it has developed, its various forms, how it has changed and continues to change and its impact on people, places and environments, issues and challenges of ethical tourism. Students select contrasting examples of tourism from within Australia and elsewhere in the world to support their investigations. Tourism involves the movement of people travelling away from and staying outside of their usual environment for more than 24 hours but not more than one consecutive year (United Nations World Tourism Organisation definition). The scale of tourist movements since the 1950s and its predicted growth has had and continues to have a significant impact on local, regional and national environments, economies and cultures. The travel and tourism industry is directly responsible for a significant number of jobs globally and generates a considerable portion of global GDP. The study of tourism at local, regional and global scales emphasises the interconnection within and between places as well as the impacts, issues and challenges that arise from various forms of tourism. For example, the interconnections of climate, landforms, culture and climate change help determine the characteristics of a place that can prove attractive to tourists. There is an interconnection between places tourists originate from and their destinations through the development of communication and transport infrastructure, employment, and cultural preservation and acculturation. The growth of tourism at all scales requires appropriate management to ensure it is environmentally, socially, culturally and economically sustainable. Students undertake fieldwork and produce a fieldwork report using the structure provided.
Unit 3
This Unit focuses on two investigations of geographical change: change to land cover and change to land use. Land cover includes biomes such as forest, grassland, tundra, bare lands and wetlands, as well as land covered by ice and water. Land cover is the natural state of the biophysical environment developed over time as a result of the interconnection between climate, soils, landforms and flora and fauna and, increasingly, interconnections with human activity. Natural land cover is altered by many processes such as geomorphological events, plant succession and climate change. Students investigate two major processes that are changing land cover in many regions of the world: melting glaciers and ice sheets, and deforestation. They investigate the distribution and causes of the two processes. They select one location for each of the processes to develop a greater understanding of the changes to land cover produced by these processes, the impacts of these changes and responses to these changes at different scales. People have modified land cover to produce a range of land uses to satisfy needs such as housing, resource provision, communication and recreation. Land use change is a characteristic of both urban and rural environments and occurs at both spatial and temporal scales. At a local scale students investigate land use change using appropriate fieldwork techniques and secondary sources. They investigate the processes of change, the reasons for change and the impacts of change. Students undertake fieldwork and produce a fieldwork report using the structure provided. They develop a research question and hypothesis and use both primary and secondary sources to collect data. Fieldwork techniques including geospatial technologies are employed to collect and present data.
Unit 4
Students investigate the geography of human populations. They explore the patterns of population change, movement and distribution, and how governments, organisations and individuals have responded to those changes in different parts of the world. Students study population dynamics before undertaking an investigation into two significant population trends arising in different parts of the world. They examine the dynamics of populations and their environmental, economic, social, and cultural impacts on people and places. The growth of the world’s population from 2.5 billion in 1950 to over 7 billion since 2010 has been on a scale without parallel in human history. Much of the current growth is occurring within developing countries while the populations in many developed countries are either growing slowly or are declining. Populations change through growth and decline in fertility and mortality, and by people moving to different places. The Demographic Transition Model and population structure diagrams provide frameworks for investigating the key dynamics of population. Population movements such as voluntary and forced movements over long or short terms add further complexity to population structures and to environmental, economic, social, and cultural conditions. Many factors influence population change, including the impact of government policies, economic conditions, wars and revolution, political boundary changes and hazard events. Students investigate the interconnections between the reasons for population change. They evaluate strategies developed in response to population issues and challenges, in both a growing population trend of one country and an ageing population trend of another country, in different parts of the world.
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Unit 1
In this Unit, students investigate the nature of social, political, economic and cultural change in the later part of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. The late 19th century marked a challenge to existing empires, alongside growing militarism and imperialism. Empires continued to exert their powers as they competed for new territories, resources and labour across Asia-Pacific, Africa and the Americas, contributing to tremendous change. World War One was a significant turning point in modern history. It represented a complete departure from the past and heralded changes that were to have significant consequences for the rest of the twentieth century. The period after World War One, in the contrasting decades of the 1920s and 1930s, was characterised by significant social, political, economic, cultural and technological change. In 1920 the League of Nations was established, but despite its ideals about future peace, subsequent events and competing ideologies would contribute to the world being overtaken by war in 1939. New fascist governments used the military, education and propaganda to impose controls on the way people lived, to exclude particular groups of people and to silence criticism.
Unit 2
In this Unit, students investigate the nature and impact of the Cold War and challenges and changes to social, political and economic structures and systems of power in the second half of the twentieth century and the first decade of the twenty first century. The establishment of the United Nations (UN) in 1945 was intended to take an internationalist approach to avoiding warfare, resolving political tensions and addressing threats to human life and safety. The period also saw continuities in and challenges and changes to the established social, political and economic order in many countries. The continuation of moves towards decolonisation led to independence movements in former colonies in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific. The second half of the twentieth century also saw the rise of social movements that challenged existing values and traditions, such as the civil rights movement, feminism and environmental movements, as well as new political partnerships, such as the UN, European Union, APEC, OPEC, ASEAN and the British Commonwealth of Nations. The beginning of the twenty first century heralded both a changing world order and further advancements in technology and social mobility on a global scale. However, terrorism remained a major threat, influencing politics, social dynamics and the migration of people across the world.
Units 3 & 4
Students investigate the significant historical causes and consequences of political revolution. Revolutions are a major turning point which bring about the collapse and destruction of an existing political order resulting in a pervasive change to society. Revolutions are caused by the interplay of ideas, events, individuals and popular movements. Their consequences have a profound effect on the political and social structures of the post-revolutionary society. Revolution is a dramatically accelerated process whereby the new order attempts to create political and social change and transformation based on a new ideology.
At Marist-Sion College the Russian Revolution is studied for Unit 3 (Semester 1) while the American Revolution is studied for Unit 4 (Semester 2).
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Legal Studies
Unit 1
Criminal law and civil law aim to achieve social cohesion and protect the rights of individuals. Criminal law is aimed at maintaining social order and infringing criminal law can result in charges. Civil law deals with the infringement of a person’s or group’s rights and breaching civil law can result in litigation. In this Unit, students develop an understanding of legal foundations, such as the different types and sources of law and the existence of a Court hierarchy in Victoria.
Unit 2
Criminal law and civil law aim to protect the rights of individuals. When rights are infringed, a case or dispute may arise which needs to be determined or resolved and sanctions or remedies may be imposed. This Unit focuses on the enforcement of criminal law and civil law, the methods and institutions that may be used to determine a criminal case or resolve a civil dispute and the purposes and types of sanctions and remedies and their effectiveness.
Unit 3
The Victorian justice system, which includes the criminal and civil justice systems, aims to protect the rights of individuals and uphold the principles of justice: fairness, equality and access. In this Unit, students examine the methods and institutions in the justice system and consider their appropriateness in determining criminal cases and resolving civil disputes. Students consider the Magistrates’ Court, County Court and Supreme Court within the Victorian Court hierarchy, as well as other Victorian legal institutions and bodies available to assist with cases.
Unit 4
The study of Australia’s laws and legal system involves an understanding of institutions that make and reform our laws, and the relationship between the Australian people, the Australian Constitution and law-making bodies. In this Unit, students explore how the Australian Constitution establishes the law-making powers of the Commonwealth and State parliaments and protects the Australian people through structures that act as a check on parliament in law-making. Students develop an understanding of the significance of the High Court in protecting and interpreting the Australian Constitution. They investigate parliament and the courts, and the relationship between the two in law-making and consider the roles of the individual, the media and law reform bodies in influencing law reform.
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Digital Technologies Subjects
Algorithmics (Higher Education Study)
Unit 3
This Unit focuses on how algorithms are used for solving complex problems. Algorithms are systematic problem-solving procedures that exist independently of computers. The study of algorithms lies at the heart of computer science and provides the formal foundation for computer programming. Algorithmic problem-solving is a technique that can be applied very broadly in addressing a wide range of complex practical problems. In Area of Study 1, students develop and apply a range of knowledge and skills to model real-world information problems. In Area of Study 2, students learn how to design algorithms following a variety of simple algorithm design patterns and learn graph algorithms. In Area of Study 3, students apply the understanding developed in Areas of Study 1 and 2 to design a solution for a real-world problem that includes both a data representation and algorithm design. Students are not required to know about the implementation of abstract data types (ADTs), as the main focus of this study is on algorithmic thinking using ADTs rather than on the details of how ADTs are implemented.
Unit 4
This Unit focuses on the performance of algorithms and the scope and limitations of algorithms. Students develop the knowledge and skills to identify the resources that an algorithm needs to function efficiently and effectively. In Area of Study 1, students study the efficiency of algorithms and techniques for the formal analysis of algorithms and apply these techniques to an algorithm they designed in Unit 3 Area of Study 3. They also learn about soft limits of computability, namely, problems that can be solved in principle but that cannot be solved for practical problem sizes due to time or space constraints. In Area of Study 2, students learn about a variety of more sophisticated algorithm design patterns and apply their knowledge of these to construct an improved solution for the problem solved in Unit 3 Area of Study 3. In Area of Study 3, students learn about modern data-driven computation and the existence of hard limits of computability, such as problems for which solutions cannot be computed by any computational machinery.
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Applied Computing
Unit 1
In this Unit students are introduced to the stages of the problem-solving methodology. Students focus on how data can be used within software tools such as databases and spreadsheets to create data visualisations and the use of programming languages to develop working software solutions.
Unit 2
Students work collaboratively and select a topic for further study to create an innovative solution in an area of interest. The innovative solution can be presented as a proof of concept, a prototype or a product. Students also propose strategies for reducing security risks to data and information in a networked environment.
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Applied Computing: Data Analytics
Unit 3
Students access, select and extract authentic data from large repositories. They manipulate the data to present findings as data visualisations in response to teacher-provided solution requirements and designs. Students develop software solutions using database, spreadsheet and data visualisation software tools to undertake the problem-solving activities in the development stages of manipulation, validation and testing.
Unit 4
In this Unit students focus on determining the findings of a research question by developing infographics or dynamic data visualisations based on large complex data sets and on the security strategies used by an organisation to protect data and information from threats.
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Applied Computing: Software Development
Unit 3
In this Unit students apply the problem-solving methodology to develop working software modules using a programming language. Students develop an understanding of the analysis, design and development stages of the problem-solving methodology.
Unit 4
In this Unit students focus on how the information needs of individuals and organisations are met through the creation of software solutions. They consider the risks to software and data during the software development process, as well as throughout the use of the software solution by an organisation.
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English Subjects
Unit 1
In this area of study, students engage in reading and viewing texts with a focus on personal connections with the story. They discuss and clarify the ideas and values presented by authors through their evocations of character, setting and plot, and through investigations of the point of view and/or the voice of the text. They develop and strengthen inferential reading and viewing skills, and consider the ways a text’s vocabulary, text structures and language features can create meaning on several levels and in different ways.
Unit 2
In this area of study, students develop their reading and viewing skills, including deepening their capacity for inferential reading and viewing, to further open possible meanings in a text, and to extend their writing in response to text. Students will develop their skills from Unit 1 through an exploration of a different text type from that studied in Unit 1.
Unit 3
In this Unit, students read and respond to text analytically and creatively. They analyse arguments and the use of persuasive language in texts.
Unit 4
In this Unit, students compare the presentation of ideas, issues and themes in texts. They create an oral presentation intended to position audiences about an issue currently debated in the media.
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English Language
Unit 1
In this Unit, students consider the way language is organised so that its users have the means to make sense of their experiences and to interact with others. Students explore the various functions of language and the nature of language as an elaborate system of signs.
Unit 2
In this Unit, students focus on language change. Languages are dynamic and language change is an inevitable and continuous process. Students consider factors contributing to change over time in the English language and factors contributing to the spread of English.
Unit 3
In this Unit, students investigate English language in contemporary Australian social settings, along a continuum of informal and formal registers. They consider language as a means of social interaction, exploring how through written and spoken texts we communicate information, ideas, attitudes, prejudices and ideological stances.
Unit 4
In this Unit, students focus on the role of language in establishing and challenging different identities. There are many varieties of English used in contemporary Australian society, including national, regional, cultural and social variations. Standard Australian English is the variety that is granted prestige in contemporary Australian society and it has a role in establishing national identity.
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Unit 1
In this area of study students consider how language, structure and stylistic choices are used in different literary forms and types of text. They consider both print and non-print texts, reflecting on the contribution of form and style to meaning. Students reflect on the degree to which points of view, experiences and contexts shape their own and others’ interpretations of text. Students closely examine the literary forms, features and language of texts. They begin to identify and explore textual details, including language and features, to develop a close analysis response to a text.
Unit 2
In this area of study students explore the voices, perspectives and knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander authors and creators. They consider the interconnectedness of place, culture and identity through the experiences, texts and voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, including connections to Country, the impact of colonisation and its ongoing consequences, and issues of reconciliation and reclamation. Students examine representations of culture and identity in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ texts and the ways in which these texts present voices and perspectives that explore and challenge assumptions and stereotypes arising from colonisation. Students acknowledge and reflect on a range of Australian views and values (including their own) through a text(s). Within that exploration, students consider stories about the Australian landscape and culture.
Unit 3
In this area of study students focus on how the form of a text contributes to its meaning. Students explore the form of a set text by constructing a close analysis of that text. They then reflect on the extent to which adapting the text to a different form, and often in a new or reimagined context, affects its meaning, comparing the original with the adaptation. By exploring an adaptation, students also consider how creators of adaptations may emphasise or minimise viewpoints, assumptions and ideas present in the original text.
Unit 4
In this area of study students focus on the imaginative techniques used for creating and recreating a literary work. Students use their knowledge of how the meaning of texts can change as context and form change to construct their own creative transformations of texts. They learn how authors develop representations of people and places, and they develop an understanding of language, voice, form and structure. Students draw inferences from the original text in order to create their own writing. In their adaptation of the tone and the style of the original text, students develop an understanding of the views and values explored. Students develop an understanding of the various ways in which authors craft texts. They reflect critically on the literary form, features and language of a text, and discuss their own responses as they relate to the text, including the purpose and context of their creations.
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Extended Investigation Subjects
Extended Investigation
(Extended Investigation is only offered as a Unit 3 and 4 sequence across Victoria. As such, students may either apply to complete the Unit 3 and 4 sequence as part of accelerated studies, or complete the subject as a Year 12 student as there are no prerequisites for enrolment.)
Unit 3
In this Unit students develop skills in question construction and design, explore the nature and purpose of research and various research methodologies, critically review research literature and identify a specific research question. Students undertake initial research and document their progress in their Extended Investigation Journal. They use their Journal to record the progressive refinement of a selected area of interest and the distillation of an individual research question.
Unit 4
In this area of study students devise a research question that is of significance and requires a detailed inquiry. They set the parameters for their research and examine a range of research methods. Students also explore the purpose and ethics of undertaking research, the importance of protecting the subjects of research from any harm and the relationship between ethical research and potential benefit.
Please note: External assessment - Students should note that Extended Investigation entails two external examinations administered by the VCAA. The first is the Unit 3 Critical Thinking Test which assesses logic and reasoning, as well as a student’s sense of argument. The second is an oral presentation to a panel accompanied by a written report of the student’s investigation, completed in Unit 4. The oral presentation will include a question and answer component with the panel.
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Health and Physical Education Subjects
Health and Human Development
Unit 1
This Unit looks at health and wellbeing as a concept with varied and evolving perspectives and definitions. It takes the view that health and wellbeing are subject to a wide range of contexts and interpretations, with different meanings for different people.
Unit 2
This Unit investigates transitions in health, wellbeing and development from lifespan and societal perspectives. Students look at changes and expectations that are part of the progression from youth to adulthood.
Unit 3
This Unit looks at health, wellbeing and illness as multidimensional, dynamic and subject to different interpretations and contexts. Students begin to explore health and wellbeing as a global concept and to take a broader approach to inquiry. As they consider the benefits of optimal health and wellbeing and its importance as an individual and a collective resource, their thinking extends to health as a universal right.
Unit 4
This Unit examines health and wellbeing, and human development in a global context. Students use data to investigate health status and burden of disease in different countries, exploring factors that contribute to health inequalities between and within countries, including the physical, social and economic conditions in which people live.
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Outdoor and Environmental Studies
Unit 1
This Unit examines some of the ways in which humans understand and relate to nature through experiences of outdoor environments. Students develop a clear understanding of the range of motivations for interacting with outdoor environments and the factors that affect an individual’s access to outdoor experiences and relationships with outdoor environments. Students understand the links between their practical experience at Point Leo, Mornington Peninsula and theoretical investigations, gaining insight into a variety of responses to, and relationships with, nature.
Unit 2
This Unit focuses on the characteristics of outdoor environments and different ways of understanding them, as well as the impact of humans on outdoor environments. In this unit, students study the impact of nature on humans, the ecological, social and economic implications of the impact of technologies and changing human lifestyles on outdoor environments. Students examine a number of case studies on specific outdoor environments, including areas where there is evidence of human intervention. They develop the practical skills required to minimise the impact of humans on outdoor environments.
Unit 3
This Unit considers the ecological, historical and social context of relationships between humans and outdoor environments in Australia. Students should experience one or more outdoor environments that have characteristics of natural environments and evidence of human intervention.
Unit 4
This Unit focuses on the conservation and use of the natural environment. Students should experience one or more outdoor environments that have characteristics of natural environments and evidence of human intervention.
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Please Note: For students undertaking Units 3 and 4 Outdoor Environmental Studies, the compulsory camps will be held over Friday, Saturday and Sunday to reduce the amount of time missed in other VCE subjects.
Physical Education
Physical Education
Unit 1
Students explore how the musculoskeletal and cardiorespiratory systems work together to produce movement. Through practical activities students explore the relationship between the body systems and physical activity, sport and exercise, and how the systems adapt and adjust to the demands of the activity. They explore how the capacity and functioning of each system acts as an enabler or barrier to movement and participation in physical activity.
Unit 2
Students investigate physical activity, sport and society from a participatory perspective. Students are introduced to types of physical activity and the role participation in physical activity and sedentary behaviour plays in their own health and wellbeing as well as in other people’s lives in different population groups.
Unit 3
Students examine biomechanical and skill acquisition principles used to analyse human movement skills and energy production from a physiological perspective.
Unit 4
Students analyse movement skills from a physiological, psychological and sociocultural perspective, and apply relevant training principles and methods to improve performance within physical activity at an individual, club and elite level.
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Languages Subjects
Second Languages: Japanese
Unit 1
Students are required to exchange meaning in a spoken interaction in Japanese; interpret information from two texts on the same subtopic presented in Japanese, and respond with written Japanese and English; present information, concepts and ideas in written Japanese on a selected subtopic and for a specific audience and purpose.
Unit 2
Students are required to respond in writing in Japanese to spoken, written or visual texts presented in Japanese; analyse and use information from written, spoken or visual texts to produce an extended written response in Japanese; explain information, ideas and concepts orally in Japanese to a specific audience about an aspect of culture within communities where Japanese is spoken.
Unit 3
Students are required to participate in a spoken exchange in Japanese to resolve a personal issue; interpret information from texts and write responses in Japanese; express ideas in a personal, informative or imaginative piece of writing in Japanese.
Unit 4
Students are required to share information, ideas and opinions in a spoken exchange in Japanese; analyse information from written, spoken and viewed texts for use in a written response in Japanese; present information, concepts and ideas in evaluative or persuasive writing on an issue in Japanese.
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Mathematics Subjects
Foundation Mathematics
Unit 1
Foundation Mathematics Units 1 and 2 focus on providing students with the mathematical knowledge, skills, understanding and dispositions to solve problems in real contexts for a range of workplace, personal, further learning, and community settings relevant to contemporary society. They are also designed as preparation for Foundation Mathematics Units 3 and 4 and contain assumed knowledge and skills for these units.
Unit 2
The focus of Unit 2 is on extending breadth and depth in the application of mathematics to solving practical problems from contexts present in students’ other studies, work and personal or other familiar situations. The areas of study for Foundation Mathematics Unit 2 are (a) Algebra, number and structure, (b) Data analysis, probability and statistics, (c) Discrete mathematics, and (d) Space and measurement. In undertaking these Units, students are expected to be able to apply techniques, routines and processes involving integer, rational and real arithmetic, sets, lists and tables, contemporary data displays, diagrams, plans, geometric objects and constructions, algorithms, measures, equations and graphs, with and without the use of technology. They should have facility with relevant mental and by-hand approaches to estimation and computation. The use of numerical, graphical, geometric, symbolic, statistical and financial functionality of technology for teaching and learning mathematics, for working mathematically, and in related assessment, is to be incorporated throughout each unit as applicable.
Unit 3 and 4
Foundation Mathematics Units 3 and 4 focus on providing students with the mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding to solve problems in real contexts for a range of workplace, personal, further learning, community and global settings relevant to contemporary society. The areas of study for Units 3 and 4 are (a) Algebra, number and structure, (b) Data analysis, probability and statistics, (c) Discrete mathematics and (d) Space and measurement. All four areas of study are to be completed over the two Units, and content equivalent to two areas of study covered in each Unit. The selected content for each Unit should be developed using contexts present in students’ other studies, work and personal or other familiar situations and in national and international contexts, events and developments. Assumed knowledge and skills for Foundation Mathematics Units 3 and 4 are contained in Foundation Mathematics Units 1 and 2, and will be drawn on, as applicable, in the development of related content from the areas of study, and key knowledge and key skills for the outcomes. In undertaking these Units, students are expected to be able to apply techniques, routines and processes involving rational and real arithmetic, sets, lists and tables, contemporary data displays, diagrams, plans, geometric objects and constructions, algebra, algorithms, measures, equations and graphs, with and without the use of technology. They should have facility with relevant mental and by-hand approaches to estimation and computation. The use of numerical, graphical, geometric, symbolic and statistical functionality of technology for teaching and learning mathematics, for working mathematically, and in related assessment, is to be incorporated throughout each Unit as applicable.
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General Mathematics
Unit 1
General Mathematics Units 1 and 2 cater for a range of student interests, provide preparation for the study of VCE General Mathematics at the Units 3 and 4 level and contain assumed knowledge and skills for these Units. The areas of study for Unit 1 of General Mathematics are (a) Data analysis, probability and statistics, (b) Algebra, number and structure, (c) Functions, relations and graphs and (d) Discrete mathematics. In undertaking these Units, students are expected to be able to apply techniques, routines and processes involving rational and real arithmetic, sets, lists, tables and matrices, diagrams and geometric constructions, algorithms, algebraic manipulation, recurrence relations, equations and graphs, with and without the use of technology. They should have facility with relevant mental and by-hand approaches to estimation and computation. The use of numerical, graphical, geometric, symbolic, financial and statistical functionality of technology for teaching and learning mathematics, for working mathematically, and in related assessment, is to be incorporated throughout each Unit as applicable.
Unit 2
General Mathematics Units 1 and 2 cater for a range of student interests, provide preparation for the study of VCE General Mathematics at the Units 3 and 4 level and contain assumed knowledge and skills for these Units. The areas of study for Unit 2 of General Mathematics are (a) Data analysis, probability and statistics, (b) Discrete mathematics, (c) Functions, relations and graphs and (d) Space and measurement. In undertaking these Units, students are expected to be able to apply techniques, routines and processes involving rational and real arithmetic, sets, lists and tables, diagrams, networks and geometric constructions, algorithms, algebraic manipulation, equations and graphs, with and without the use of technology. They should have facility with relevant mental and by-hand approaches to estimation and computation. The use of numerical, graphical, geometric, symbolic, financial and statistical functionality of technology for teaching and learning mathematics, for working mathematically, and in related assessment, is to be incorporated throughout each Unit as applicable.
Unit 3 and 4
General Mathematics Units 3 and 4 focus on real-life application of mathematics and consist of the areas of study (a) Data analysis, probability and statistics and (b) Discrete mathematics. Unit 3 comprises Data analysis and Recursion and financial modelling and Unit 4 comprises Matrices and Networks and decision mathematics. Assumed knowledge and skills for General Mathematics Units 3 and 4 are contained in General Mathematics Units 1 and 2 and will be drawn on, as applicable, in the development of related content from the areas of study and key knowledge and key skills for the outcomes of General Mathematics Units 3 and 4. In undertaking these Units, students are expected to be able to apply techniques, routines and processes involving rational and real arithmetic, sets, lists, tables and matrices, diagrams, networks, algorithms, algebraic manipulation, recurrence relations, equations and graphs. They should have facility with relevant mental and by-hand approaches to estimation and computation. The use of numerical, graphical, geometric, symbolic statistical and financial functionality of technology for teaching and learning mathematics, for working mathematically, and in related assessment, is to be incorporated throughout each Unit as applicable.
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Mathematical Methods
Unit 1
Mathematical Methods Units 1 and 2 provide an introductory study of simple elementary functions of a single real variable, algebra, calculus, probability and statistics and their applications in a variety of practical and theoretical contexts. The Units are designed as preparation for Mathematical Methods Units 3 and 4 and contain assumed knowledge and skills for these Units. The focus of Unit 1 is the study of simple algebraic functions, and the areas of study are (a) Functions, relations and graphs, (b) Algebra, number and structure, (c) Calculus and (d) Data analysis, probability and statistics. In undertaking this Unit, students are expected to be able to apply techniques, routines and processes involving rational and real arithmetic, sets, lists and tables, diagrams and geometric constructions, algorithms, algebraic manipulation, equations, graphs and differentiation, with and without the use of technology. They should have facility with relevant mental and by-hand approaches to estimation and computation. The use of numerical, graphical, geometric, symbolic and statistical functionality of technology for teaching and learning mathematics, for working mathematically, and in related assessment, is to be incorporated throughout the Unit as applicable.
Unit 2
The focus of Unit 2 is the study of simple transcendental functions, the calculus of polynomial functions and related modelling applications. The areas of study are (a) Functions, relations and graphs, (b) Algebra, number and structure, (c) Calculus and (d) Data analysis, probability and statistics. In undertaking this Unit, students are expected to be able to apply techniques, routines and processes involving rational and real arithmetic, sets, lists and tables, diagrams and geometric constructions, algorithms, algebraic manipulation, equations, graphs, differentiation and anti-differentiation, with and without the use of technology. They should have facility with relevant mental and by-hand approaches to estimation and computation. The use of numerical, graphical, geometric, symbolic and statistical functionality of technology for teaching and learning mathematics, for working mathematically, and in related assessment, is to be incorporated throughout the Unit as applicable.
Unit 3 and 4
Mathematical Methods Units 3 and 4 extend the introductory study of simple elementary functions of a single real variable, to include combinations of these functions, algebra, calculus, probability and statistics, and their applications in a variety of practical and theoretical contexts. In undertaking these Units, students are expected to be able to apply techniques, routines and processes involving rational and real arithmetic, sets, lists and tables, diagrams and geometric constructions, algorithms, algebraic manipulation, equations, graphs, differentiation, anti-differentiation, integration and inference, with and without the use of technology. They should have facility with relevant mental and by-hand approaches to estimation and computation. The use of numerical, graphical, geometric, symbolic and statistical functionality of technology for teaching and learning mathematics, for working mathematically, and in related assessment, is to be incorporated throughout each Unit as applicable.
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Specialist Mathematics
Unit 1
Specialist Mathematics Units 1 and 2 provide a course of study for students who wish to undertake an in-depth study of mathematics, with an emphasis on concepts, skills and processes related to mathematical structure, modelling, problem-solving, reasoning and proof. This study has a focus on interest in the discipline of mathematics and investigation of a broad range of applications, as well as development of a sound background for further studies in mathematics and mathematics related fields. Mathematical Methods Units 1 and 2 and Specialist Mathematics Units 1 and 2, taken in conjunction, provide a comprehensive preparation for Specialist Mathematics Units 3 and 4. Study of Specialist Mathematics Units 3 and 4 also assumes concurrent study or previous completion of Mathematical Methods Units 3 and 4. The areas of study for Specialist Mathematics Units 1 and 2 are (a) Algebra, number and structure, (b) Data analysis, probability and statistics, (c) Discrete mathematics, (d) Functions, relations and graphs and (e) Space and measurement. In undertaking this Unit, students are expected to be able to apply techniques, routines and processes involving rational, real and complex arithmetic, sets, lists, tables and matrices, diagrams, graphs, logic gates and geometric constructions, algorithms, algebraic manipulation, recurrence relations, equations and graphs, with and without the use of technology. They are expected to be able to construct proofs and develop and interpret algorithms to solve problems. They should have facility with relevant mental and by-hand approaches to estimation and computation. The use of numerical, graphical, geometric, symbolic and statistical functionality of technology for teaching and learning mathematics, for working mathematically, and in related assessment, is to be incorporated throughout each Unit, as applicable.
Unit 2
The areas of study for Specialist Mathematics Units 1 and 2 are (a) Algebra, number and structure, (b) Data analysis, probability and statistics, (c) Discrete mathematics, (d) Functions, relations and graphs and (e) Space and measurement. In undertaking this Unit, students are expected to be able to apply techniques, routines and processes involving rational, real and complex arithmetic, sets, lists, tables, vectors and matrices, diagrams and geometric constructions, algorithms, algebraic manipulation, equations and graphs, with and without the use of technology. They are expected to be able to construct proofs and develop and interpret algorithms to solve problems. They should have facility with relevant mental and by-hand approaches to estimation and computation. The use of numerical, graphical, geometric, symbolic and statistical functionality of technology for teaching and learning mathematics, for working mathematically, and in related assessment, is to be incorporated throughout each Unit, as applicable.
Unit 3 and 4
Specialist Mathematics Units 3 and 4 consist of the areas of study: (a) Algebra, number and structure, (b) Calculus, (c) Data analysis, probability and statistics, (d) Discrete mathematics, (e) Functions, relations and graphs and (f) Space and measurement. The development of course content should highlight mathematical structure, reasoning and proof and applications across a range of modelling contexts with an appropriate selection of content for each of Unit 3 and Unit 4. In undertaking these Units, students are expected to be able to apply techniques, routines and processes involving rational, real and complex arithmetic, sets, lists, tables and vectors, diagrams and geometric constructions, algorithms, algebraic manipulation, equations, graphs, differentiation, anti-differentiation and integration and inference, with and without the use of technology. They should have facility with relevant mental and by-hand approaches to estimation and computation. The use of numerical, graphical, geometric, symbolic and statistical functionality of technology for teaching and learning mathematics, for working mathematically, and in related assessment, is to be incorporated throughout each Unit, as applicable.
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Performing Arts Subjects
Unit 1
In this Unit, students study three or more performance styles from a range of social, historical and cultural contexts. They examine drama traditions of ritual and storytelling to devise performances that go beyond re-creation and/or representation of real life as it is lived. This Unit focuses on creating, presenting and analysing a devised solo and/or ensemble performance.
Unit 2
In this Unit, students study aspects of Australian identity evident in contemporary drama practice. This may also involve exploring the work of selected drama practitioners and associated performance styles. This Unit focuses on the use and documentation of the processes involved in constructing and analysing a devised solo or ensemble performance.
Unit 3
In this Unit, students explore the work of drama practitioners and draw on contemporary practice as they devise ensemble performance work. Students explore performance styles and associated conventions from a diverse range of contemporary and/or traditional contexts and document and evaluate stages involved in the creation, development and presentation of the ensemble performances.
Unit 4
This Unit focuses on the development and the presentation of devised solo performances. Students explore contemporary practice and works that are eclectic in nature; that is, they draw on a range of performance styles and associated conventions from a diverse range of contemporary and traditional contexts. Students document and evaluate the stages of involvement in the creation, development and presentation of their solo performance.
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Music Performance
Unit 1
In this Unit, students explore and develop their understanding of how music is organised. By performing, creating, analysing and responding to music works that exhibit different approaches, students explore and develop their understanding of the possibilities of musical organisation.
Unit 2
In this Unit, students focus on the way music can be used to create an intended effect. By performing, analysing and responding to music works/examples that create different effects, students explore and develop their understanding of the possibilities of how effect can be created. Through creating their own music, they reflect this exploration and understanding.
Unit 3
This study offers pathways for students whose main interest is a combination of performing, composing/arranging and investigating music through music making, analysing and responding in relation to their particular interests. It recognises that music is frequently a collaborative art where students work with others, and at other times individually. Music making is a collective and integrated experience. It involves composing, arranging, interpreting, reimagining, improvising, recreating, performing and critiquing music in an informed manner. All these activities involve active engagement in imaginative music making, responding and remaking. Students perform and compose/arrange music to demonstrate musical influences of an existing style and/or performer in relation to their own works and the works of others. Students develop aural skills by responding to music from a range of sources across time and place, comparing their music characteristics. They analyse music works and/or styles and explore how they have influenced subsequent music makers, including students’ own works. They develop an understanding of how the treatment of music elements, concepts and compositional devices in one work and/or style can be identified and explained in the works of others, leading to a reflection on their own music making.
Unit 4
In this Unit, students deepen their understanding of the influence of music by considering it at a personal level. They move from considering and reflecting on the influences in the works of others to applying new understandings of influence in their own music making. They are increasingly able to deliberate on and articulate their thinking and choices.
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Theatre Studies
Unit 1
Students apply acting, direction, design and performance analysis in relation to theatre styles from the pre-modern era (prior to the 1920s). Students creatively and imaginatively work in production roles to shape a performance for an audience. They also analyse professional and student devised work.
Unit 2
Students apply acting, direction, design and performance analysis in relation to theatre styles from the pre-modern era (1920s to the present). Students creatively and imaginatively work in production roles to shape a performance for an audience. They also analyse professional and student devised work.
Unit 3
Students develop an interpretation of a script through the three stages of the theatre production process: planning, development and presentation. Students specialise in two production roles and use knowledge of this process to analyse and evaluate professional and student devised performances.
Unit 4
Students study a scene and an associated monologue. They initially develop an interpretation of the prescribed scene. This work includes exploring theatrical possibilities and using dramaturgy across the three stages of the production process. In this Unit students will complete school based course work as well as a VCE performance and VCE written exam.
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Religious Education Subjects
Religious Education
Year 11 Religious Education Options
Year 11 students will study the following VCE Units:
VCE Religion and Society: Unit 1 (Semester 1) AND
VCE Texts and Traditions: Unit 1 (Semester 2)
Year 11 VCE:VM students will study:
VCE Religion and Society: Unit 1 (Semesters 1 and 2)
Year 12 Religious Education Options
Year 12 VCE students will study one of the following options:
VCE Religion and Society: Unit 2 (Semesters 1 and 2) OR
VCE Religion and Society: Units 3 and 4 (Semesters 1 and 2)
Year 12 VCE:VM students will study the following option:
VCE Religion and Society: Unit 2
Religion and Society
Unit 1
In this Unit, students explore the spiritual origins of religion and understand its role in the development of society, identifying the nature and purpose of religion over time. They investigate religion, including the totality of phenomena to which the term ‘religion’ refers and acknowledge religion’s contribution to the development of human society. They also focus on the role of spiritualities, religious traditions and religious denominations in shaping personal and group identity over time. Students examine how individuals, groups and new ideas have affected and continue to affect spiritualities, religious traditions and religious denominations. The Unit provides an opportunity for students to understand the often complex relationships that exist between individuals, groups, new ideas, truth narratives, spiritualities and religious traditions broadly and in the Australian society in which they live.
Unit 2
Today, religious and philosophical traditions interact with other sources of authority and moral values represented in the media and popular culture. Nevertheless, society still often relies on cultural heritages that contain a variety of ethical perspectives as well as values centred on human dignity and basic justice. These perspectives and values remain fundamental to many legal and social systems and to codes of behaviour. They constitute the everyday categories of ethical discourse in the world. They are taken by the individuals and groups that hold them to be the starting point and common ground for discussion about ethical issues and moral behaviour in societies where multiple worldviews coexist. In this unit students study in detail various methods of ethical decision-making in at least two religious traditions and their related philosophical traditions. They explore ethical issues in societies where multiple worldviews coexist, in the light of these investigations.
Unit 3
In this Unit, students study the purposes of religion generally and then consider the religious beliefs developed by a religious tradition or religious denomination in response to the big questions of life. Students study how particular beliefs within a religious tradition or religious denomination may be expressed through the other aspects of religion, and explore how this is intended to foster meaning for adherents. Students then consider the interaction between significant life experiences and religion.
Unit 4
This Unit focuses on the interaction over time of religious traditions and religious denominations and the societies of which they are a part. For a large part of human history religion has been drawn on as a truth narrative, offering a means for finding answers to the big questions of life. Religious traditions and religious denominations are in a dynamic process of engagement and negotiation with members individually and collectively, as well as with other key institutions in wider society associated with power, authority and credibility. Religious traditions and religious denominations are living institutions that interact with society and can likewise be influenced by society. They can stimulate and support society, acting as levers for change themselves and embracing or resisting forces for change within society. In this Unit, students explore challenges for religious traditions or religious denominations generally over time and then undertake a study of challenge and change for a religious tradition or religious denomination.
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Texts and Traditions
Unit 1
In this Unit, students examine the place of sacred texts and their literary forms within a religious tradition. Students explore the importance of sacred texts as the source of a tradition and learn how to interpret and describe their meaning for the earlier and continuing tradition. The process of searching for and giving expression to the meaning of texts is called exegesis. This Unit introduces students to basic methods of exegesis to bring about a deeper awareness of how sacred texts came about, and the meaning of those texts for the religious tradition. The skills of exegetical method are introduced to the students. This Unit also explores how sacred texts have been used by people both within and beyond the religious tradition to bring meaning to issues or ideas in a new cultural setting. This Unit requires the study of sacred texts in a variety of literary forms. The texts may come from one religious tradition or from a range of religious traditions.
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Science Subjects
Unit 1
In this Unit, students examine the cell as the structural and functional unit of life, including the requirements for sustaining cellular processes. Students focus on cell growth, replacement and death and the role of stem cells in differentiation. Links between cell specialisation and the function of systems in plants and animals are explored, including the role of homeostatic mechanisms. Students undertake a student-designed scientific investigation related to the function and/or the regulation of cells or systems involving the generation of primary data.
Unit 2
This Unit explores reproduction, inheritance and impacts on biodiversity. Students compare modes of reproduction, including cloning technologies. They explore the nature of adaptations and the impacts on population distribution and abundance. Consideration is given to the contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge and perspectives in understanding the survival of organisms in Australian ecosystems. Students undertake a student-directed research investigation into a contemporary ethical issue relating to application of genetic knowledge, reproductive science, inheritance or adaptations and inter-dependencies beneficial for survival.
Unit 3
In this Unit, students investigate the workings of the cell including the relationship between nucleic acids and proteins. They explore the structure, regulation and rate of biochemical pathways with reference to cellular respiration and photosynthesis. Students will apply their knowledge of cellular processes through investigation of a selected case study, data analysis and/or bioethical issue. Students undertake a student-designed scientific investigation related to cellular processes and/or responses to challenges over time in either Unit 3 or Unit 4 (assessed as Unit 4 Outcome 3).
Unit 4
This unit considers the continual change and challenges to which life on Earth has been, and continues to be, subject to. Students study the immune system, specific immunity and respond to bioethical issues and challenges associated with disease. Evidence for evolution is explored and highlighted as an example of interpretations being contested, refined and challenged over time as new evidence is uncovered. Students investigate a selected case study, data analysis and/or bioethical issues related to the key ideas. Students undertake a student-designed scientific investigation related to cellular processes and/or responses to challenges over time in either Unit 3 or Unit 4 (assessed as Unit 4 Outcome 3).
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Unit 1
The development and use of materials for specific purposes is an important human endeavour. In this Unit, students investigate the chemical structures and properties of a range of materials, including covalent compounds, metals, ionic compounds and polymers. They are introduced to ways that chemical quantities are measured. They consider how manufacturing innovations lead to more sustainable products being produced for society through the use of renewable raw materials and a transition from a linear economy towards a circular economy.
Unit 2
Society is dependent on the work of chemists to analyse the materials and products in everyday use. In this Unit, students analyse and compare different substances dissolved in water and the gases that may be produced in chemical reactions. They explore applications of acid-base and redox reactions in society.
Unit 3
Students explore energy options and the chemical production of materials with reference to efficiencies, renewability and minimisation of their impact on the environment. Different chemical energy resources are compared and the combustion of fuels, including their energy transformations, investigated. Students analyse manufacturing processes and explain the conditions that will improve efficiency and yield of chemical processes.
Unit 4
Students identify the unique characteristics of carbon and investigate the structural features, bonding, reactions and uses of the major families of organic compounds. Through the use of instrumental analyses, organic structures are confirmed. Students explore the chemical structures of key food molecules and the reactions in which they are involved, including the role of enzymes and the energy released during their combustion.
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Environmental Science
Unit 1
Earth has been dramatically altered over the past 4.5 billion years by naturally occurring climate swings, volcanic activity, drifting continents and other transformative processes. Human activities and lifestyles have an impact on, and are impacted by, Earth’s systems both directly and indirectly and with both immediate and far-reaching effects. In this Unit, students examine the processes and interactions occurring within and between Earth’s four interrelated systems – the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. They focus on how ecosystem functioning can influence many local, regional and global environmental conditions such as plant productivity, soil fertility, water quality and air quality. Students explore how changes that have taken place throughout geological and recent history are fundamental to predicting the likely impact of future changes. They consider a variety of influencing factors in achieving a solutions-focused approach to responsible management of challenges related to natural and human-induced environmental change.
Unit 2
A sustainable food and water system with a minimal environmental footprint is necessary to secure the food and water supplies that can meet the demands of current and future populations of Earth’s species, including humans. Both natural and human activities can generate pollution that can cause adverse effects across Earth’s four interrelated systems – the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere – and consequently affect food and water security. Pollution can make air and water resources hazardous for plants and animals. It can directly harm soil microorganisms and larger soil-dwelling organisms, with consequences for soil biodiversity, as well as impacting on food security by impairing plant function and reducing food yields. In this Unit, students consider pollution as well as food and water security as complex and systemic environmental challenges facing current and future generations. They examine the characteristics, impacts, assessment and management of a range of pollutants that are emitted or discharged into Earth’s air, soil, water and biological systems, and explore factors that limit and enable the sustainable supply of adequate and affordable food and water.
Unit 3
In this Unit, students focus on environmental management through the application of sustainability principles. They explore the value of the biosphere to all living things by examining the concept of biodiversity and the ecosystem services important for human health and wellbeing. They analyse the processes that threaten biodiversity and evaluate biodiversity management strategies for a selected threatened endemic animal or plant species. Students use a selected environmental science case study with reference to sustainability principles and environmental management strategies to explore management from an Earth systems perspective, including impacts on the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere.
Unit 4
In this Unit, students explore different factors that contribute to the variability of Earth’s climate and that can affect living things, human society and the environment at local, regional and global scales. Students compare sources, availability, reliability and efficiencies of renewable and non-renewable energy resources in order to evaluate the suitability and consequences of their use in terms of upholding sustainability principles. They analyse various factors that are involved in responsible environmental decision-making and consider how science can be used to inform the management of climate change and the impacts of energy production and use.
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Unit 1
In this Unit, students examine some of the fundamental ideas and models used by physicists in an attempt to understand and explain energy. Models used to understand light, thermal energy, radioactivity, nuclear processes and electricity are explored. Students apply these physics ideas to contemporary societal issues: communication, climate change and global warming, medical treatment, electrical home safety and Australian energy needs.
Unit 2
In this Unit, students explore the power of experiments in developing models and theories. They investigate a variety of phenomena by making their own observations and generating questions, which in turn lead to experiments.
Unit 3
In this Unit, students explore the importance of energy in explaining and describing the physical world. They examine the production of electricity and delivery to homes, along with the effects of gravitational, electric and magnetic fields. Newton’s laws are used to investigate motion and Einstein’s theories are introduced. Students design and undertake investigations involving at least two continuous independent variables.
Unit 4
Students explore the use of wave and particle theories to model the properties of light and matter. Through their studies they are able to explain the behaviour of light and matter and consider relationships between the two. Students learn to think beyond the concepts experienced in everyday life to study the physical world from a new perspective. Students design and undertake investigations involving at least two continuous independent variables.
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Unit 1
In this Unit, students examine the complex nature of psychological development, including situations where psychological development may not occur as expected. Students examine the contribution that classical and contemporary knowledge from Western and non-Western societies, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, has made to an understanding of psychological development and to the development of psychological models and theories used to predict and explain the development of thoughts, emotions and behaviours. They investigate the structure and functioning of the human brain and the role it plays in mental processes and behaviour and explore brain plasticity and the influence that brain damage may have on a person’s psychological functioning.
Unit 2
In this Unit, students evaluate the role social cognition plays in a person’s attitudes, perception of themselves and relationships with others. Students explore a variety of factors and contexts that can influence the behaviour of individuals and groups, recognising that different cultural groups have different experiences and values. Students are encouraged to consider Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s experiences within Australian society and how these experiences may affect psychological functioning.
Unit 3
In this Unit, students investigate the contribution that classical and contemporary research has made to the understanding of the functioning of the nervous system and to the understanding of biological, psychological and social factors that influence learning and memory. Students investigate how the human nervous system enables a person to interact with the world around them. They explore how stress may affect a person’s psychological functioning and consider stress as a psychobiological process, including emerging research into the relationship between the gut and the brain in psychological functioning.
Unit 4
In this Unit, students explore the demand for sleep and the influences of sleep on mental wellbeing. They consider the biological mechanisms that regulate sleep and the relationship between rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep across the life span. They also study the impact that changes to a person’s sleep-wake cycle and sleep hygiene have on a person’s psychological functioning and consider the contribution that classical and contemporary research has made to the understanding of sleep.
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Technologies Subjects
Agriculture and Horticulture
Unit 1
In this Unit, students develop their understanding of Australia’s agricultural and horticultural industries and research the opportunities and practical realities of working in the sector. They consider sources of food and fibre indigenous to Victoria prior to European settlement. Students explore contemporary career pathways and professional roles. Students undertake practical tasks reflecting best-practice understandings.
Unit 2
In this Unit, students research plant and animal nutrition, growth and reproduction. They evaluate the effectiveness and sustainability of agricultural or horticultural practices. Students research reproductive processes and technologies for both plants and animals within the contexts of food and fibre production. They undertake practical tasks relating to the growth and management of plants and animals.
Unit 3
In this Unit, students examine the role of research and data, innovation and technology in Australia’s food and fibre industries. They explore the influence of market demands and social expectations as drivers of change. Emphasis is placed on the importance of biosecurity: the protection of agricultural and horticultural industries against pests, diseases and weeds, and measures to combat the serious threat posed by biological resistances. Students undertake practical tasks reflecting awareness of innovative, sustainable and safe agricultural and/or horticultural practices.
Unit 4
In this Unit, students examine sustainability. Students research the effects of climate change on food and fibre production. They investigate environmental degradation and approaches to sustainable land management and rehabilitation. Students research strategies for securing sustainable markets, for adding value to primary produce, and for ensuring and promoting the high quality of Australian-grown products. They undertake practical tasks reflecting all dimensions of sustainable management of agricultural and/or horticultural practices as well as ethical considerations.
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Food Studies
Unit 1
In this Unit, students focus on food from historical and cultural perspectives, and investigate the origins and roles of food through time and across the world. In Area of Study 1 students explore how humans have historically sourced their food, examining the general progression from hunter-gatherer to rural-based agriculture, to today’s urban living and global trade in food. Students consider the origins and significance of food through inquiry into one particular food-producing region of the world. In Area of Study 2 students focus on Australia. They look at Australian indigenous food prior to European settlement and how food patterns have changed since, particularly through the influence of food production, processing and manufacturing industries and immigration. Students investigate cuisines that are part of Australia’s culinary identity today and reflect on the concept of an Australian cuisine. Students consider the influence of innovations, technologies and globalisation on food patterns. Throughout this Unit they complete topical and contemporary practical activities to enhance, demonstrate and share their learning with others.
Unit 2
In this Unit, students investigate food systems in contemporary Australia. Area of Study 1 focuses on commercial food production industries, while Area of Study 2 looks at food production in domestic and small-scale settings, as both a comparison and complement to commercial production. Students gain insight into the significance of food industries to the Australian economy and investigate the capacity of industry to provide safe, high-quality food that meets the needs of consumers. Students use practical skills and knowledge to produce foods and consider a range of evaluation measures to compare their foods to commercial products. They consider the effective provision and preparation of food in the home and analyse the benefits and challenges of developing and using practical food skills in daily life. In demonstrating their practical skills, students design new food products and adapt recipes to suit particular needs and circumstances. They consider the possible extension of their role as small-scale food producers by exploring potential entrepreneurial opportunities.
Unit 3
In this Unit, students investigate the many roles and everyday influences of food. Area of Study 1 explores the science of food: our physical need for it and how it nourishes and sometimes harms our bodies. Students investigate the science of food appreciation, the physiology of eating and digestion and the role of diet on gut health. They analyse the scientific evidence, including nutritional rationale, behind the healthy eating recommendations of the Australian Dietary Guidelines and the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating (see www.eatforhealth.gov.au) and develop their understanding of diverse nutrient requirements. Area of Study 2 focuses on influences on food choices: how communities, families and individuals change their eating patterns over time and how our food values and behaviours develop within social environments. Students inquire into the role of food in shaping and expressing identity and connectedness and the ways in which food information can be filtered and manipulated. They investigate behavioural principles that assist in the establishment of lifelong, healthy dietary patterns. Practical activities enable students to understand how to plan and prepare food to cater for various dietary needs through the production of everyday food that facilitates the establishment of nutritious and sustainable meal patterns.
Unit 4
In this Unit, students examine debates about Australia’s food systems as part of the global food systems and describe key issues relating to the challenge of adequately feeding a rising world population.
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Product Design and Technology (Textiles)
Product Design and Technology (Textiles)
Unit 1
Design often involves the refinement and improvement of existing products. This Unit focuses on the analysis, modification and three improvements to a product design to make it more suitable at addressing the end users requirements.
Unit 2
In this Unit, students work in teams to design and develop an item in a product range or contribute to the design, planning and production of a group product. They focus on factors including human needs and wants; function, purpose and context for product design; aesthetics; materials and sustainability and the impact of these factors on a design solution.
Product Design and Technology (Wood)
Unit 1
Design often involves the refinement and improvement of existing products. This Unit focuses on the analysis, modification and three improvements to a product design to make it better and more sustainable.
Unit 2
In this Unit, students work in teams to design and develop an item in a product range or contribute to the design, planning and production of a group product.
Unit 3
In this Unit, students are engaged in the design and development of a product that meets the needs and expectations of a client and/or an end-user, developed through a design process and influenced by a range of complex factors.
Unit 4
In this Unit, students learn that evaluations are made at various points of product design, development and production. In the role of designer, students judge the suitability and viability of design ideas.
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Visual Arts Subjects
Art Creative Practice
Unit 1
In Unit 1, students use Experiential learning in Making and Responding to explore ideas using the Creative Practice. As the artist and audience, students consider their connection to artworks, and how their communication of ideas and presentation of artworks challenge, shape and influence viewer or audience perspectives.
Unit 2
In Unit 2, students use Inquiry learning to investigate the artistic and collaborative practices of artists. They use the Cultural Lens and the other Interpretive Lenses as appropriate, to examine artworks from different periods of time and cultures and to explore the different ways that artists interpret and communicate social and personal ideas in artworks.
Unit 3
In this Unit, students use Inquiry and Project-based learning as starting points to develop a Body of Work. They explore ideas and experiment with materials, techniques and processes using the Creative Practice. The research of historical and contemporary artists is integral to students’ use of the Creative Practice and informs the basis of their investigation. Students also investigate the issues that may arise from the artworks they view and discuss or those evolving from the practice of the artist. Unit 3 commences with students researching the practice of a selected artist as the starting point to develop a finished artwork. The finished artwork will contribute to the Body of Work developed over Units 3 and 4.
Unit 4
In Unit 4, students continue to develop their art practice through Project-based and Inquiry learning as their research and exploration continues to support the development of their Body of Work. Throughout their research, students study the practices of selected historical and contemporary artists to inform their own art practice. They use the Interpretive Lenses to analyse, compare and interpret the meanings and messages of artworks produced by the artists they study. Students also apply the Interpretive Lenses throughout the Creative Practice to resolve and refine their Body of Work.
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Art Making and Exhibiting
Unit 1
In this Unit, students explore materials, techniques and processes in a range of art forms. They expand their knowledge and understanding of the characteristics, properties and application of materials used in art making. They explore selected materials to understand how they relate to specific art forms and how they can be used in the making of artworks. Students also explore the historical development of specific art forms and investigate how the characteristics, properties and use of materials and techniques have changed over time. Throughout their investigation students become aware of and understand the safe handling of materials they use.
Unit 2
In Unit 2, students continue to research how artworks are made by investigating how artists use aesthetic qualities to represent ideas in artworks. They broaden their investigation to understand how artworks are displayed to audiences and how ideas are represented to communicate meaning.
Unit 3
In this Unit, students are actively engaged in art making using materials, techniques and processes. They explore contexts, subject matter and ideas to develop artworks in imaginative and creative ways. They also investigate how artists use visual language to represent ideas and meaning in artworks. The materials, techniques and processes of the art form the students work with are fundamental to the artworks they make.
Unit 4
In Unit 4, students make connections to the artworks they have made in Unit 3, consolidating and extending their ideas and art making to further refine and resolve artworks in -specific art forms. The progressive resolution of these artworks is documented in the student’s Visual Arts journal, demonstrating their developing technical skills in a specific art form as well as their refinement and resolution of subject matter, ideas, visual language, aesthetic qualities and style. Students also reflect on their selected finished artworks and evaluate the materials, techniques and processes used to make them. During this Unit, students plan and document the display of at least one finished artwork in a specific art form in a specific space. The focus of this Unit is to investigate, identify and evaluate the methods used and considerations involved in the presentation, conservation and care of artworks while on display in an exhibition space.
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Unit 1
In this Unit, students develop an understanding of audiences and the core concepts underpinning the construction of representations and meaning in different media forms. They explore media codes and conventions and the construction of meaning in media products.
Unit 2
In this Unit, students further develop an understanding of the concept of narrative in media products and forms in different contexts. Narratives in both traditional and newer forms include film, television, sound, news, print, photography, games and interactive digital forms. Students analyse the influence of developments in media technologies on individuals and society, examining in a range of media forms the effects of media convergence and hybridisation on the design, production and distribution of narratives in the media and audience engagement, consumption and reception.
Unit 3
In this Unit, students explore stories that circulate in society through media narratives. They consider the use of media codes and conventions to structure meaning, and how this construction is influenced by the social, cultural, ideological and institutional contexts of production, distribution, consumption and reception. Students assess how audiences from different periods of time and contexts are engaged by, consume and read narratives using appropriate media language.
Unit 4
In this Unit, students focus on the production and post-production stages of the media production process, bringing the media production design created in Unit 3 to its realisation. They refine their media production in response to feedback and through personal reflection, documenting the iterations of their production as they work towards completion. Students explore the relationship between the media and audiences, focusing on the opportunities and challenges afforded by current developments in the media industry. They consider the nature of communication between the media and audiences, explore the capacity of the media to be used by governments, institutions and audiences and analyse the role of the Australian government in regulating the media.
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Visual Communication Design
Unit 1
Students will develop skills in drawing methods used from observation, visualisation and presentation. They will create drawings for different purposes using a range of drawing methods, media and materials. Design elements and principles and their interplay are applied to this understanding when creating visual communications in response to the stated purpose. The written task will focus on the history of design from the Art Craft Movement to present day looking at the social, economic, technological and political impact on design.
Unit 2
This Unit offers a practical context for learning and applying drawing methods and an understanding and application of basic typography components. Students develop their knowledge and practice of the application of appropriate basic drawing conventions through either environmental or industrial/product contexts. Students explore typography. Students are introduced to the design process.
Unit 3
Students complete a range of design exercises to develop an understanding of the breadth of visual language employed in visual communication design fields: Environmental, Industrial and Communication. Students will describe how visual communications are designed and produced in the design industry and explain factors that influence these practices. Students apply design thinking skills to develop a creative client brief and research to generate a range of visual ideas.
Unit 4
The focus is the final stage of the design process where two distinctive final presentations are produced and presented.
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VCE Vocational Major Subjects (only available to students undertaking a VCE VM Program)
VCE Foundation English
Units 1 & 2
The Foundation English course is designed around one compulsory area of study, 'Essentials of English' and five optional areas of study from which one must be selected for study in each Unit. These areas of study are not discrete. Each contains aspects of other areas of study and the modes of language – speaking and listening, reading and writing – define the outcomes, key knowledge, key skills and learning activities in all areas of the course.
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VCE VM Literacy
Unit 3
In this area of study students will become familiar with and develop confidence in understanding and accessing texts of an informational, organisational or procedural nature. These texts should reflect real-life situations encountered by students and be representative of the sorts of texts students will encounter in a vocational setting or workplace, or for their health and participation in the community. Students will learn to recognise, analyse and evaluate the structures and semantic elements of informational, organisational and procedural texts as well as discuss and analyse their purpose and audience. Students will develop their confidence to deal with a range of technical content that they will encounter throughout adulthood, such as safety reports, public health initiatives, tax forms and advice, contracts, promotional videos and vocational and workplace texts.
Unit 4
In this area of study students will investigate, analyse and create content for the advocacy of self, a product or a community group of the student’s choice, in a vocational or recreational setting. Students will research the differences between texts used for more formal or traditional types of advocacy, influence or promotion, as well as some of the forms that are increasingly being used in the digital domain for publicity and exposure. Students will consider which elements are important for creating a ‘brand’ (including personal branding) and how different texts, images, products and multimedia platforms work together to produce one, central message to influence an audience. Students will compare and contrast the ways in which same message can be presented through different platforms and participate in discussions that consider the effectiveness of these messages, considering their purpose and the social and workplace values associated with them. Students will read, discuss, analyse and create texts that influence or advocate for self, a product or a community group of the student’s choice.
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VCE VM Numeracy
Unit 1
In Unit 1, students will develop their numeracy practices to make sense of their personal, public and vocational lives. They will develop mathematical skills with consideration of their local, community, national and global environments and contexts, and an awareness and use of appropriate technologies. These Units provide students with the fundamental mathematical knowledge, skills, understandings and dispositions to solve problems in real contexts for a range of workplace, personal, further learning and community settings relevant to contemporary society.
Areas of Study:
There are four areas of study for Unit 1:
Area of Study 1: Number.
Area of Study 2: Shape.
Area of Study 3: Quantity and Measures.
Area of Study 4: Relationships.
The areas of study cover a range of different mathematical knowledge and skills that are expected to be used and applied across the three outcomes.
Unit 2
In Unit 2, students will develop and extend their numeracy practices to make sense of their personal, public and vocational lives. They will develop mathematical skills with consideration of their local, community, national and global environments and contexts, and identification and appropriate selection and use of relevant technologies. These Units provide students with the fundamental mathematical knowledge, skills, understandings and dispositions to solve problems in real contexts for a range of workplace, personal, further learning and community settings relevant to contemporary society.
Areas of Study:
There are four areas of study for Unit 2:
Area of Study 5: Dimension and direction
Area of Study 6: Data
Area of Study 7: Uncertainty
Area of Study 8: Systematics
The areas of study cover a range of different mathematical knowledge and skills that are expected to be used and applied across the three outcomes.
Unit 3
In Unit 3, students further develop and enhance their numeracy practices to make sense of their personal, public and vocational lives. Students extend their mathematical skills with consideration of their local, community, national and global environments and contexts, and the use and evaluation of appropriate technologies. These Units provide students with a broad range of mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding to solve problems in real contexts for a range of workplace, personal, further learning and community settings relevant to contemporary society. The progression of learning is evident in Units 3 and 4 with the development of more complex numeracy and mathematical skills and knowledge, drawing on the knowledge gained from Units 1 and 2.
Areas of Study:
There are four areas of study in Unit 3:
Area of Study 1: Number
Area of Study 2: Shape
Area of Study 3: Quantity and Measures
Area of Study 4: Relationships
The areas of study cover a range of different mathematical knowledge and skills that are expected to be used and applied across the three outcomes.
Unit 4
In Unit 4, students further develop, enhance and extend their numeracy practices to make sense of their personal, public and vocational lives. Students extend their mathematical skills with consideration of their local, community, national and global environments and contexts, and use of, evaluation and justification of appropriate technologies. These Units provide students with a broad range of mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding to solve problems in real contexts for a range of workplace, personal, further learning and community settings relevant to contemporary society. The progression of learning is evident in Units 3 and 4 with the development of more complex numeracy and mathematical skills and knowledge, drawing on the knowledge gained from Units 1 and 2.
Areas of Study:
There are four areas of study for Unit 4:
Area of Study 5: Dimension and direction
Area of Study 6: Data
Area of Study 7: Uncertainty
Area of Study 8: Systematics
The areas of study cover a range of different mathematical knowledge and skills that are expected to be used and applied across the three outcomes.
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VCE VM Personal Development Skills
Unit 1
This Unit focuses on the development of personal identity and individual pathways to optimal health and wellbeing. It begins with concepts of personal identity and the range of factors that contribute to an individual’s perception of self and individual health and wellbeing. Students will use these findings to enhance an understanding of community cohesion, community engagement and how sense of identity may affect outcomes in different contexts. Students will investigate the elements of emotional intelligence and begin to develop an awareness of interrelationships between communities and the health and wellbeing of individuals. Students will investigate local health-promoting organisations and resources and play an active, participatory role in designing and implementing activities or mechanisms to improve health and wellbeing. This Unit highlights the importance of critical and creative thinking and clear communication as individuals explore personal identity and the role of community. Students will examine relationships between technologies and health and wellbeing and develop tools for analysing the reliability, validity and accuracy of information and the efficacy of health messages.
Unit 2
This Unit focuses on the benefits of community participation and how people can work together effectively to achieve a shared goal. It begins with definitions of community and different types of communities at a local, national and global level. Students will look at the relationships between active citizenship, empathy and connection to culture, and individual health and wellbeing. They will investigate the barriers and enablers to problem solving within the community. In the topic of community engagement, students will seek to understand different perspectives on issues affecting a community. They will reflect on relationships between community issues, social cohesion and health and wellbeing and the importance of clear information and communication. Students will investigate how communities may be called upon to support individual members and identify effective strategies for creating positive community change. They will plan, implement and evaluate an active response to an individual’s need for community support.
Unit 3
This Unit considers the role of interpersonal skills and social awareness in different settings and contexts. Students will examine leadership qualities and the characteristics of effective leaders and how these qualities can be applied to the achievement of goals within personal and community contexts. They will explore key components of effective teamwork and reflect on how to lead and contribute within a team context through a collaborative problem-solving activity. Students will evaluate individual contribution as well as the overall effectiveness of the team.
Unit 4
This Unit focuses on student participation in an extended project relating to a community issue. Students will identify environmental, cultural, economic and social issues affecting the community and select one for an extended community project. They will look at past approaches to the selected issue in Australia and elsewhere, consider how they will research information, and formulate an objective to achieve. Students will reflect on how community awareness of a selected issue can be improved. Students will engage in a process of planning, implementing and evaluating a response to a selected community issue. They will conduct research, analyse findings and make decisions on how to present work. Students will consider the key elements (such as emotional intelligence and effective team practices) and considerations (such as safety and ethics) when implementing a community project. Students will present project to an appropriate audience of peers or community members and evaluate the effectiveness of chosen response to the issue.
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VCE Religion and Society
VCE Religion and Society
Unit 1
In this Unit, students explore the spiritual origins of religion and understand its role in the development of society, identifying the nature and purpose of religion over time. They investigate religion, including the totality of phenomena to which the term ‘religion’ refers and acknowledge religion’s contribution to the development of human society. They also focus on the role of spiritualities, religious traditions and religious denominations in shaping personal and group identity over time. Students examine how individuals, groups and new ideas have affected and continue to affect spiritualities, religious traditions and religious denominations. The Unit provides an opportunity for students to understand the often complex relationships that exist between individuals, groups, new ideas, truth narratives, spiritualities and religious traditions broadly and in the Australian society in which they live.
Unit 2
Today, religious and philosophical traditions interact with other sources of authority and moral values represented in the media and popular culture. Nevertheless, society still often relies on cultural heritages that contain a variety of ethical perspectives as well as values centred on human dignity and basic justice. These perspectives and values remain fundamental to many legal and social systems and to codes of behaviour. They constitute the everyday categories of ethical discourse in the world. They are taken by the individuals and groups that hold them to be the starting point and common ground for discussion about ethical issues and moral behaviour in societies where multiple worldviews coexist. In this Unit, students study in detail various methods of ethical decision-making in at least two religious traditions and their related philosophical traditions. They explore ethical issues in societies where multiple worldviews coexist, in the light of these investigations.
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VCE VM Work Related Skills
Unit 1
This Unit recognises the importance of sourcing reliable information relating to future education and employment prospects to engage in effective pathway planning and decision-making. Students will investigate information relating to future employment, including entry-level pathways, emerging industries and growth industries and trends, and evaluate the impact of pursuing employment in different industries. Students will reflect on this research in the context of their individual skills, capabilities and education and/or employment goals. They will develop and apply strategies to communicate their findings.
Unit 2
As the nature of work changes over time, so do the skills and capabilities needed for success. Fundamental to achieving personal goals relating to future education and employment is the ability to recognise and develop individual skills and capabilities that are valued in a chosen pathway. In this Unit, students will consider the distinction between essential employability skills, specialist and technical work skills and personal capabilities and understand the importance of training and development to support the attainment and transferability of skills. Students will collect evidence and artefacts relating to their personal skills and capabilities and promote them through resumes, cover letters and interview preparation.
Unit 3
This Unit focuses on the core elements of a healthy, collaborative, inclusive and harmonious workplace and is separated into three main areas:
Wellbeing, culture and the employee-employer relationship.
Workplace relations, and
Communication and collaboration.
Students will learn how to maintain positive working relationships with colleagues and employers, understanding the characteristics of a positive workplace culture and its relationship to business success. They will investigate key areas relating to workplace relations including methods for determining pay and conditions, workplace bullying, workplace discrimination, workplace harassment and dispute resolution. Students will discover how teamwork and communication skills contribute to healthy, collegiate and productive workplaces.
Unit 4
Portfolios are a practical and tangible way for a person to communicate relevant skills, experiences and capabilities to education providers and future employers. In this Unit, students will develop and apply their knowledge and skills relating to portfolios, including the features and characteristics of a high-quality physical and/or digital portfolio. The Unit culminates in the formal presentation of a completed portfolio in a panel style interview and an evaluation of the end product.
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